Thursday, 27 February 2014

Contents Page Analysis- 1. NME

Blog 12:
In the next few blogs I will be analysing 5 contents pages from music magazines (2 NME, 2 Q and 1 MOJO). As NME is my style model I will start by analysing the 2 NME contents pages.

1. NME

In this issue of NME the layout used is the 'blocky' look. This makes the contents page have a clear, neat finish and each section is clearly defined. The title is centred at the top of the page and is in capital letters, making it stand out and easy to read. The date is positioned underneath the title in a much smaller italic font. There is a range of studio and on location photographs on the contents page. This gives the page variety and suggests the the reader that there will be a variety of articles throughout the magazine. Each of the photos has a quote and description underneath. The quote gives a taste of what the article is going to be about to the reader and helps the reader decide whether or not to read the article. Also on the photos, is a page number. The number is bold and black and it is larger than the surrounding text. This is effective as it looks neat and as it is bold stands out in front of the white background. There is a 'Plus' box with the regular features. This box is separate from the others and for regular readers is easy to spot. There is a special offer in the corner in red. The red makes it stand out from the black and white colours. The special offer's font is in capital letters and entices the reader to make the most of the offer. 

Overall, I think I will use the blocky look in my magazine. I think the different sized boxes look effective and the quotations by the photos allow the reader to grasp the article without skimming the magazine. I may  use the idea of a 'plus' box with the regular items in and the special offer box as I think they are a convention of the magazine and look striking on the page. 

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