Monday, 17 February 2014

Initial Ideas

Blog 4: 
I have thought of some initial ideas for my music magazine. I have decided that I would like to make an indie style magazine, as this is the genre of music I listen to and I believe I will feel the most comfortable replicating and interpreting. 
I have created a mind map of possible ideas for my magazine front cover, contents and double page spread. 
I have decided to base my main story on a solo artist, as when I have researched indie magazines, artists such as Noel Gallagher, Miles Kane, Lana Del Rey and Lykke Li have made a striking impression on the front cover. I have decided to have a female artist as it will appeal to both a male and female audiences. I am going to use my model Hilly Hannam as the featured artist. 
At the moment I would like to make my magazine a 'Festival Edition' as I believe it would stand out and would comply with the 'indie' appearance of the magazine. It also means the magazine will be more casual and laid-back and could feature a range of smaller articles on the same topic. 
I haven't decided on the title, however I have picked up a few ideas when researching into indie music. I have also found that most indie bands and artists have followings of young adults of both genders, and these fans are very passionate about music. 
These ideas may or may not be used in my final magazine but they will hopefully be useful in the development of it. 

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