5. Q
Blog 22:
My final DPS review is of Florence and The Machine. As in the previous DPS's there is a drop capital at the start of the article. The font is italic and is soft, it could reflect the personality of the artist. There is a small introductory paragraph underneath the title. There are credits of the journalist and photographer, also under the title. It is in a small font. The image is a long shot and uses the rule of thirds, as her body is centralised in the middle third. The image covers the whole of the left page and also extends slightly on to the right. The title is well thought out as it uses her song lyrics. It would appeal to her fan base and would also appeal to Americans as the word 'you' has been replaced with 'USA got the love'. There is three columns and the text cover the right hand side.
Overall, I will use the three columns in my magazine as I think it looks tidy and I will also use an introductory paragraph as my research has proven that it is a convention of a DPS. I may also use the extended image as I think it looks edgy and 'breaks the rules'.
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